Oh mylanta! If you told me my March would have been as busy and emotional as it was, I would have laughed at you.

I can pretty much guarantee I did not get damn near any of my goals accomplished from March, but sometimes that is life.

I went to San Diego to attend Brendon Burchard’s High Performance Academy, Chad was in a wedding, we had our daughter’s birthday and her party, plus the kids had Spring Break (and we went to an indoor water theme park), I signed 3 new amazing clients, Chad had a bachelor party for a wedding he was in and we went to the wedding that he was a groomsmen in.

Have Mercy.

Just typing all of that makes me tired. I’m grateful but it was A LOT to process.  I think because I started off the month going to see Brendon, I thought it would motivate me to move mountains and it did, but I gave my all and I didn’t anticipate the energy and emotional drain I’d have afterwards and I didn’t create content ahead of time like I should have and it came back to bite me in the butt.

I will say this though, going to Brendon’s event was probably my favorite event I’ve ever attended. What I loved was that it was so actionable and practical but at the same time, it was eye opening into what I needed to change for my life and just thinking about that sends me in a tailspin of excited-ness and fear.

Needless to say, March came and left and while I did make progress on a couple of my bigger projects, putting out regular content got put on the backburner.

Let’s just dive into my results.

March Goals Outcome


  1. Workout 4x a week – Other than the last week in March, I did this! I am so proud of myself. I plan on continuing this.
  2. Declutter books and paper – Meh. As I find paper I’ve been decluttering. I did get rid of 3 books, bahah. To be fair, I also bought 3 new books too. :/
  3. Review all old invoices, medical bills, etc.  I did this right after I got back from San Diego, but only with what’s coming in. I didn’t go through our old bill pile which is something we definitely need to do.


  1. Short family vacation – Yes. We took the kids to an indoor Water park and had a such a great time.  They loved it! And I loved getting unplugged and spending time with them.
  2. One date night with hubby – We got 2!!!! We had a spur of the moment date night with friends who had an extra hotel room and then for the wedding weekend, we had the whole weekend off. I loved and missed my kiddos but having that time was awesome!
  3. Have a girl’s day with Greenlee – I didn’t do this, but my mother in law took her to build a build and fun place called Discovery Zone.


  1. 12 videos (between YouTube + FB Live) – Nope, didn’t happen.
  2. 5 Blog Posts – Nope.  I think I have wrote one blog post.
  3. Create new freebie – I got the opt-in page done for the freebie, I need to get the video pages done for it.
  4. Host 2 longer FB Lives on my business page – Nope. Didn’t happen.

Alright, so I didn’t do as horrible as I thought with my goals. It really mostly was just the content. That’s good because I thought I did horrible last month but I’m feeling a bit better about myself. See why tracking things are important?

Now,  April starts Quarter 2 and this is when my projects are coming out to play, so I’ve got my work cut out for me over the next 3 months. I have my subscription box launching and a few other things coming through the pipeline, so it’s all about laser focus and marketing.

Let’s take a peek at goals and intentions.

April Goals + Intentions


  1. Whole Food Meals – We eat fairly healthy but I’d like to do more whole food meals, so I’d like to dedicate ⅓ of our meals to being whole food recipes.
  2. Declutter Kitchen & Office – Those rooms are the rooms that get dirty the fastest haha. So my goal is to declutter them. I want to get new pots and pans so I think I’m going to go through all the cabinets and get organized.
  3. Up My Protein – So in order for me to lose weight and make sure I’m at my healthier, I need to double my protein intake.  I used to be sooo good with that but I kind of let it go downhill. It’s about time for me to take my health back.


  1. Date Night With Each Kid – I haven’t had a whole lot of one on one time with the kids and I’d love to give them some extra attention.
  2. Date Night With Chad – I really want to go see a comedian. I used to go all the time and I miss it, so I think it would be a good time to try it out
  3. Get Outside 2x A Week – It’s starting to warm up and I was talking with hubby about taking the kids to Devil’s Lake to go hiking.


  1. 5 Blog Posts – I think something that is missing is real content. All I see on Facebook lately is the “share something personal in hopes someone will message me and see how they can work with me.” It’s all superficial to me and I don’t want to be that person. I want to give value with no real “expectation.”
  2. Social Media For Subscription Box – So my goal with the subscription box is to eventually sell it, so I want to acquire all social media for it and use Meet Edgar
  3. 8 videos (YouTube + FB) – Video and connecting with others is really huge for how I want to move my business forward.
  4. Finish Q2 Mapping – Simple enough

There you have it. These are pretty aligned with what I want to get done for this Q2, so I’m good with my goals. I’d love to hear about what you’re working on and what your plans are for April? 

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