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I’ve been thinking about the programs I’m going through and what my goals are for 2022. I know it seems impossible but I really want to hit $1M in revenue.  But honestly, even if I only hit half of that I would be happy but I feel like if I set my goal at 500K and then hit only half of that I’d be setting myself up for failure.

Now with that said, I totally just recognized my language around what I said above – “I know it seems impossible.” That really just struck a chord with me because it really IS possible, but let’s just play that it’s impossible. If I go in already thinking that, it really won’t happen and that’s not okay at all! I *know* the power of the spoken word, I know the power of mindset and thoughts and I need to change that.

On top of that goal, I’m going to be sharing other goals I have for this year and I’ll be rewording them as if it’s already happened.

I went back to: Who do I need to become in order to hit $1M?  But I went one step farther because I want to hit $1M in revenue while working 25 hours a week or less.

Who Do I Need To Become to Hit My Goals?

If I were to hit $1M working 25 hours or LESS a week by Dec. 31st, 2022, I would need to become:

  • Consistent with output – connecting, videos, meeting with people
  • Also, Consistent with mindset habit – daily meditation, gratitude, tapping, journaling
  • Consistent with self-care – workout, therapy, massages, infrared sauna
  • Consistent with calls to action – having people book calls with me, having products people can buy that also doesn’t take my time

When I look at the consistent parts as well, I also know that I will need to change some other things around. Like reducing social media time. It means I will schedule my social posts so it’s not tied to me posting daily. I will also check the groups I’m a part of twice a day for 20 minutes max each time. I will check those in my NON-productive hours.

It’s pointless for me to socialize when I can be using my productive time to do more money generating activities.

Another super important thing to me as I’m doing this is really thinking about how I can also be present in each moment. Being present with myself, being present with my kids, with my clients, etc.  For me, that means putting the phone down, closing the laptop, stepping away from the desktop. It means making time for those who truly matter the most and not being on technology with those that really don’t.

And to BE consistent what does that mean to me?

It would mean I would need to BE in self-integrity. It means, I will not whine, pout, etc. doing the things that I need to do. Also, it means keeping consistent on the good and bad days. If I do have a bad day (because we all have those days), I will allot myself 20 minutes to feel all the feels and get back up and move towards my goal.

Now, that doesn’t mean I’m not going to allow myself to have off days. I’m 100% aware that I will have days where I will play hookie and watch Netflix or Hallmark Movies or shop until I drop. This is about recognizing my patterns and showing up differently so I can hit the goals I am setting out to hit.

Now that I just jumped right in, let me just share all of my goals!

2022 Goals & Intentions

Another thing I want to mention is that even though I’m setting these goals, it’s not the do all, end all, be all.

I might not hit some of them and that’s A-OK. I’m not as worried about hitting the goals as I am more concerned with who I will become as I am moving closer to these goals.

Lose 10% body fat

I’m not really concerned with losing a crap ton of weight. I do have maybe 15 – 20lbs to lose. But, I’m more worried about the extra body fat I carry and I’d like to lose 10% of that and get it closer to 28% or less.

Read/Listen To 12 Books

I have always overestimated my time when it comes to reading or listening to books. And I couldn’t predict that I would be more into music in 2021. But I was. I loved all kinds of music – rap, oldies, a teensie bit of country, alt rock, etc. And I felt like I got lost in music and so I just went with it. So far the last 2 weeks of 2021 and now in early 2022, I am craving books. I’m currently listening to At Your Best by Carey Nieuwhof and it’s been a huge game changer for me.

He has said so many common sense and practical things that I never even thought about.  One of the things he mentioned is knowing when your productivity/alertness time is the best. He calls them your green, yellow and red zones. And for me, I know I get 3 SUPER productive hours a day. He said most people have 3 – 5 and that you should use that time wisely.

My intention for January is to really find my green zone so I am working within my zone of genius and when I’m most alert.

I cannot recommend this book enough!

A few other books I intend to read:

These are just a few of the ones I already have queued up. I do plan on reading fiction and romcoms too, I just haven’t picked out anything quite yet.

Invest & Save $10,000

So we did this last year. We move about $3K of our money into a new platform that we are using called Betterment. So we started with $3,000 and we ended 2021 with $13,800.88 in savings and investments. I started a new 401K in this program and we put a little bit of our kids savings in there too so we can use Betterment to invest it wisely. It’s such a cool tool. I see us using this for a while.

We might try to open up a new account with an actual investment firm because I did buy an investing course that I plan on finishing Q1 of this year. For now though, this is perfect to get more knowledge and fairly safe to invest in.  So for 2022 I’d like to invest $10,000 more dollars and see where it goes!

Core Desired Feelings

I always choose how I want to feel each year. It’s important to me to not let life dictate my feelings but to be intentional with showing up in a way that feels good and aligned.

These also give me mini themes to check-in with myself. I like these because they help give me a gut check on my feelings and if I’m embodying them.

Sensual/Feminine – I’m so ready to bring more femininity into my life. I found that it’s not about the “clothes” you wear or the fancy things. It’s more about a feeling of being connected to myself. To me, it also means walking with confidence, living with ease and owning the femininity that is already within me.

Fun – I love laughing and making others laugh. And I love being in community where we get to laugh and have fun. I love watching movies that make me laugh like crazy. I just wanted to bring more of the fun and lightheartedness into our lives.

Honest/Transparency – I have some big ass goals this year and I want to share all of the things with you. Even if it’s uncomfortable. I 100% wholeheartedly believe that we should share our success and our failures as we go. To have others learn from us, ask questions and change their path is huge to me.

Patience – This is one I will REALLY need to work on. And honestly, I find my daughter repeating my lack of patience and I don’t want that to be my legacy. I want to teach patience and grace as I believe they go hand in hand. It will require me to retrain myself though. It’s going to be a steep learning curve, but I’m up for the challenge.

Kind – I feel like this is self-explanatory. So many people are going through things behind the scenes and most are just looking for someone who can be kind and understand what they are going through.

2022 Word Of The Year

My word for the year is Lead. It’s also my intention for the year.

For me, it means to lead:

  • Lead by example
  • And by being curious
  • By being humble
  • Lead by being confident
  • Lead by embodying my true self (and be 100% okay that you aren’t everyone’s cup of tea)

It’s so important for me to take my leadership to the next level. I know that my kids are watching my actions and listening to what I’m saying to myself. To make myself proud, I want to become a better leader and that is what I plan on doing this year.

Alright, alright… I know I went way overboard with my goals but I wanted to give you a sneak peek into my mindset too. Most people don’t take the time to think about what they want to accomplish and why, so I wanted to share.

Now share with me, what are your goals and intentions for 2022? Are there books you want to read? Share in the comments below!

2022 Goals & Core Desired Feelings
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