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Did you know that people interact more with your brand when you give them something to do? Or better yet, give them information on themselves.

It’s true,  when you help people see something they might not have seen or totally confirm something they knew about themselves all along, they like and trust you.

And according to Interact 3 of the top 5 most shared articles from the New York Times last year was actually quizzes.

Hello, engagement!

The truth is that we all want to grow our businesses and we’re looking for ways to do it more organically and in a way that feels more aligned for us and quizzes, assessments, tests, etc is a great way to do that.

Benefits To Creating A Quiz For Lead Gen

Since I’m all about the lead generation, business building and doing it in an aligned way.  Let’s talk about the benefits to creating a quiz to help you grow your list and community.

Builds Relationships + Know, Like, Trust Factor

Most of us love learning about ourselves, hearing what we’re “like” and when you use a quiz to give someone information about themselves, it’s like you get brownie points.

They start to think of you as the authority in the field you’re creating the quiz for and if they share it, they’re helping bring in new leads and followers to your business.

Also, who doesn’t love a good quiz? I don’t think I’ve met a quiz I didn’t like taking (that wasn’t related to a school subject like math or history, of course).

Easier For Your Content To Go Viral & Reduce Lead Cost

Quizzes are magical because people want to share about themselves and their results. You know what happens when they share it with their friends? They will most likely want to take the quiz too and that helps your social reach!

And if you’re like me and you LOVE Facebook + Pinterest Ads… hello inexpensive leads!

And what’s even better is that if you set up your quiz/funnel so that once people are done, they come share their results in your Facebook Group, that creates conversations and talking points without you having to do it.

It Allows You To Collect Amazing Data + Personalize Your Emails

The really cool thing with quizzes is that you get to ask specific questions and see what your audience really wants or needs to hear from you.  Then you can take this information and create more content, products, etc around it because they’ve basically given you what they need by answering your custom created questions in your niche.

And now that you’ve got this data, you can segment these people into their own email lists for whichever “result” they get from your quiz and talk to them specifically.

How neat is that?

It’s really cool to use this as a part of your social strategy. The beauty of it is that you get to integrate with your email marketing system and you’re collecting leads.  My email marketing system is ActiveCampaign. And as I was walking through the integration, it was so easy.

The Tool I’m Using To Create My Lead Gen Quiz

My quiz is a work in progress right now as I’m double testing it and making sure it all goes together, but my friend Cat told me about Interact.

Interact is this amazing quiz building tool that’s basically a plug’n’play.  

And the customization is awesome!

How can you make your lead gen easier? By creating custom quizzes for your audience to take and share!
  • Pinterest

What I think my favorite part about Interact is the ability to add your own pictures, branding and to really make it feel like your own without having to recreate the wheel.  They give you over 100 pre-made templates and you can add in, edit or change what you need to. See, easy peasy!

Once my quiz is ready, I’ll share it here so you can take it! But until then, I’m sharing a couple awesome quizzes I’ve found:

Is Your Business Pinterest Ready? This one is by my good friend Cara Chace! Pinterest is rocking for business owners, eCommerce and Bloggers right now… see if you need to hop on the Pinning train

What Kind Of Productivity Diva Are You?  I love Beth Anne’s website! She always has great content. I’ve been on her email list for over a year! You’ll love this quiz.

If you’re interested in creating an interactive way for your followers to work with you, this is a great start! Try Interact here.

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