Do you often find yourself wishing you could clone yourself just to keep up with the kids, work deadlines, and life’s endless to-do list? You’re juggling so many roles that even a circus performer would be impressed. Ok, I seriously suck at the “real” juggling with balls. But all the mom and life stuff – I’ve got it in the bag.

Can you relate?

If you’re nodding along or mentally shouting ‘yes,’ then I’ve got some real talk for you, sis – you’re probably wrestling with that all-too-familiar frenemy: MOM GUILT. But before you start beating yourself up for feeling this way, take a deep breath. Also, give yourself grace. You’re not alone, and this isn’t your fault.

What Is Mom Guilt?

So, what exactly is mom guilt? It’s that nagging feeling that you’re not doing enough as a mom or that you’re falling short in some way—no matter how much effort you’re putting in. It creeps in when you’re at work, wondering if you’re missing out on your kids’ important moments, or when you’re spending time with your family, feeling like you should be more productive. It’s the voice in your head that tells you you’re not measuring up, even when you’re giving it your all. It’s a sneaky, often overwhelming sense of inadequacy that can make you second-guess every decision, from how much screen time is okay to whether you’re working too much or too little. The truth is, mom guilt often stems from our desire to be everything to everyone—but it’s a battle you don’t have to face alone.

Here’s the thing: this struggle? It’s universal for busy moms. It’s that nagging feeling that no matter how hard you try, you’re falling short somewhere—missing out on special moments with the kids or feeling like your work-life balance is a total disaster. Believe me, I get it. Those memories of feeling trapped and overwhelmed by mom guilt? They’re still fresh in my mind, like a not-so-friendly ghost that likes to visit when things get tough.

But here’s the good news: I’ve been on a mission to tackle this challenge head-on, and I’ve picked up some mind-blowing mindset shifts, powerful affirmations, and practical hacks that have completely transformed the way I navigate the pressures of motherhood. From learning how to give yourself grace to mastering the art of being present (even when life feels like a tornado), I’m sharing everything that’s helped me step out of the guilt spiral and reclaim my time and sanity.

This is one episode you don’t want to miss. It’s time to say goodbye to the guilt and hello to a life where you can thrive as both a mom and a woman with big dreams. Let’s get into it!

Then catch the full episode below or on iTunes or Spotify!

Listen out for: 

  • Introduction to Mom Guilt [2:01]

  • Defining Mom Guilt and Its Triggers [7:02]

  • The High Expectation Trap [12:56]

  • Shifting From Guilt to Grace [18:44]

Quotes on Ditching The Mom Guilt

“[I]t’s okay to feel the guilt for not being there or spending enough time or for stepping away. But you don’t need to sit in that guilt because it’s not okay to sit in it and just stay in there, because it does not serve a purpose for you.” [5:15]

“[W]hether you’re at work, whether you’re potentially missing family moments, falling behind on your business, or even missing those moments with your kids, [Mom Guilt] is essentially that voice telling you that you should be doing more all the time.” [7:40]

“It’s impossible to do everything at once. And it is impossible to be everything to everyone if you aren’t being somebody to yourself.” [12:31]

“[T]he societal pressure that we’re putting on ourselves means that we are sacrificing a little piece of ourselves and increasing our stress, which is not healthy.” [15:32]


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