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Welcome to the era of the internet! With the help of the world wide web, you can now launch your small business online on a global scale like never before. Doesn’t that feel a bit crazy? I know for me it does. There is no limit to how far and wide you can reach with the help of social media.

But let’s be honest, it’s not exactly the easiest thing to do. Launching your business online takes tenacity and persistence. It may seem like everyone is launching a business these days, but not all succeed, and few people end up where they want to be.

So how do you stand out from the crowd and become successful in your business? Find a way to use the internet to your advantage and learn how to grow your online business.

It really is about capturing the right audience who you know is your ideal client. Of course, you’ll face rejection, you’ll face the word “no” and you might feel defeated. It’s a part of running and growing a business, so it’s definitely something I’ve had to deal with and I know you will too. You’ll just want to stay persistent and most importantly, consistent.

In this article, we cover 11 expert tips to grow your business online. If you want simple & easy to implement ideas to boost the growth and visibility of your business, you’re in the right place.

Keep reading for inspiration that you can start implementing immediately!

9 Expert Tips To Grow Your Business Online

How to grow your online business
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Know Your Target Audience & Where To Find Them

A good habit is to study your competitors to figure out who your target audience is and where to find them. One caveat with this though – I don’t think you ever have 100% competition.  No one is going to have your personality, your energy, your mood. Knowing who your competitors are and how they talk to their clients will give you an insight into what could potentially be missing or how you can show up differently.

Also, knowing where your ideal client hangs out will help you be ONLY on those platforms. It will save you time trying to be everywhere and  get you in front of the right people.

Create A Unique Website

When scoping out your competitors, you will find interesting ideas on their website or pick up on a user-friendly layout. You may want to create your website similarly.

DON’T make that mistake! Make sure that you create a unique website that is authentically you. Copying your competitors will lessen your chance of sticking out and may give you an unauthentic image. If you need to regroup, schedule a day with your closest friend or business partner to bounce ideas back and forth and brainstorm a unique website layout.

A unique website will shine and blow your competitors out of the water! Clients resonate with business owners who stay true to themselves and are open about who they are and their goals and passions. So don’t live someone else’s dream!

Make Your Website Mobile Friendly

Most people curious to check out your services will visit your site on a smartphone. So make sure your website is mobile-friendly to keep potential clients hooked and convert them to clients.

So many new business owners create computer-friendly sites, completely forgetting how their site will appear on mobile. To keep leads and get more activity on your site, give it a layout that adjusts for all devices. You will be appealing to a wider audience that way.

Don’t Underestimate The Power Of Social Media Marketing

Social media has become such an authoritative presence in everyone’s lives. Everywhere you look, people are busy on their phones, consuming social media at all hours of the day, and engaging with people globally.

So why not use that to your advantage? Selling your products has never been easier with the help of social media marketing! Hop onto a popular social media platform, step out of your comfort zone, and put yourself (and your product) out into the world. Make creative videos and reels to show off your product. Engage with the audience, build a social media presence, answer prospective customers' questions, and always find a way to market your products.

With the popularity of 30-second and 60-second clips on Tik Tok and Instagram Reels, business owners use these platforms to market their online business in such creative and outlandish ways. The sky's the limit! So dedicate some time to planning creative videos and see your client base grow.

Plan Your Value-Driven Content Wisely 

When creating content, make sure it’s value-driven. Business owners should dedicate a few hours a week to planning and executing creative content marketing. Whether it’s making info-graphics or creating videos, make sure you thoroughly plan out your ideas and when you’ll be posting them.

Group your ideas into themes so that your posts don’t seem random. Invest in an app that can show you the positioning of photos and videos on your Instagram feed to maintain any aesthetic you have.

You have to be sure you are creating content based on your target audience's needs. Find out what questions or problems your potential clients have and find a way to present your service so that they can solve their problems through working with you. This value-driven content will acquire a lot of followers and convert them into customers fast – if you are consistent with your posts.

Invest In Email Marketing 

Email marketing is the best way to build a list of active followers and clients. You can prompt followers to enter their email when they reach your landing page on your website. When they add their email to your list, they subscribe to any news, updates, and blog posts you create on your site.

Most people who chance upon your website and leave right away probably won’t return. So if you don’t get their email address, you have no chance of communicating with them in the future. Building an email list is the most dependable way to communicate with ideal clients. There are many affordable plans out there. We use ActiveCampaign and we absolutely love it. It's a tool to grow your business and build the relationship with your clients and potential clients which is soo good!

I would just search and invest in one that fits your budget and see how much of a game-changer this is!

Use Keywords To Optimize Your Content 

If you can learn the basics of SEO, do it! Search engines like Google and Bing are the source of traffic for most websites on the internet. You want to make sure you use search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to make your website more search engine-friendly.

Make valuable content and posts to get traffic from search engines. It will be organic traffic, and the more hits you get, the more popular your blog will become when people search for services in your area of expertise.

Create A Consistent Way To Engage With Prospective Clients 

Whether posting daily inspirational content on Instagram or making TikTok videos every other day, make sure you find a way to engage with customers. You want to reply to comments and questions as soon as possible to keep people interested and engaged.

If people ask you questions, make a video of you replying to it! Use Instagram and Facebook Stories to your advantage by posting posts related to your service and business. Make eye-catching or bold statements that you stand by for more engagement. Get to know your clients by doing a Live on Instagram or Facebook.

Use the questions feature on Instagram to boost even more engagement. Whatever you choose to do, make sure it’s a consistent and reliable way to build rapport with your customers.

Advertise Your Results On Social Media 

People need to see proven results to make the leap. Potential clients may be watching your stories from afar, but they won’t contact you for your services because they are still uncertain. The clincher will be seeing real-life results for real-life people.

Don’t be afraid to post testimonials. No, you are not being cocky – you are showing people that they can trust your business and how you will get the results. More and more people will trust your work based on these testimonials.

Final Thoughts On Growing Your Business Online

Growing your business is not an easy feat with so many other websites and businesses out there on the internet. But the ultimate difference between successful business owners and those that don’t make it is the work, persistence, and tenacity put into growing their business.

We presented these amazing tips to grow your business online to help you succeed. Keep in mind that it’s rare that people become successful overnight. Everyone has their journey to find the success they dream of. You are on that path now, and you might get dejected and thrown off guard here and there. That's normal, but that doesn’t mean you won’t reach your full potential.

Hopefully, these tips will give you new ways to grow your business online and make you an expert in your field. Go out there and fulfill those big dreams of yours!

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