So it has been a crazy few weeks for my business and for me.
Lots of launches for my clients and I’ve put my stuff on the back burner. So much so, that this blog post was suppose to be March goals, then April goals and now I’ve changed it to May goals and intentions.
I am wondering if this is something I’m going to have to outsource. Although writing is one of my favorite things to do, its like I’m writing and listening to my thoughts… I know, I’m weird. So maybe I’ll see what else I can outsource since I want to build my writing muscles.
Things have been good for me, outside of putting some of my content creation on hold. I started my podcast, you can check it out HERE.
I’m going to give you a glimpse into what I want to do each month, what I want my finances to be, if I’ve met them or not, etc.
One of my things for May – September is Ease & Freedom. My son asked me to play with him and he was so excited for me to play with him and I couldn’t because I “had to work.”
The whole purpose I created my business is so that I can play with him whenever he wants and so that I can be fully present with them when they are home. I have a feeling, I’m going to be losing or redoing my whole Done For You stage. I think I might increase the pricing so instead of working with 5 – 6 people each month, I’m only working with 2 to 3 of my ideal clients, which will free up time, allow me to do be more present with clients and allow me to be more present with my family and that’s something that I’m aching for!
With all of that said, let’s jump into what I want to accomplish for May.
May Business Goals & Life Intentions
Family Goals
- Done with work by 2:30pm on working days so I can be fully present for my family. I’m learning how important this time is with them and I want to enjoy every moment of it.
- Read daily with Cameron and Greenlee. Cameron comes home with Spanish books that he needs to read to us. I might not understand him, but I’m good at sounding them out 😉
- Get outside with the kids 2-3x a week (outside of just the backyard and playing games outside). Like going to a park or on a fun adventure somewhere.
Personal Goals
- Workout 3x a week
- Read at least 2 non-fiction books (Reading motivational books rock, but I need to let “loose” sometimes LOL)
- Meditate daily (at least 10 minutes). This is something I need to be more consistent with. On the days I meditate and tap (EFT) I feel like I’m a completely different person.
- Write 3,000 words per week for my book (this is personal to me because its been a dream of mine and it really doesn’t have anything to do with business)
Business Goals
- Revenue of $20,840 (through private coaching, Done For You Packages & my group coaching program)
- Create 3 videos a week (I want to focus on motivational videos in May)
- Facebook Ads & Marketing Plan for my Podcast
Going forward, now that I’m starting to write these a little ahead of time, I should be able to get these out monthly. This post with the good, bad and maybe even ugly is what I want to share with you. I love transparency and I love that I get to share a piece of my world with you. It helps me to feel connected and that is one of my Core Desired Feelings for this year.
My Monthly Income Intention Goal for May is: $20,840. I use Denise from’s Income Tracker to help me stay on track.
As I start to get really intentional with this and post regularly, I’ll start going into more detail about what I want to do and how I want to do it.
I’m really excited to be sharing this with you and I’m even going to create it where you can link to your goals if you start doing it too! Is that something that would interest you? That way I can read what you are going to be accomplishing and we can rock it together? Comment below and let me know! I’d totally appreciate that!
Orrrrrr, if you’re looking for a free community to help you and hold you accountable, check out my FREE Facebook group, Fuzzy Sockpreneurs. I know the name is funny, but its all about creating a business that is yours and feels good to you and well, wearing fuzzy socks and rocking Christmas music year round is my happy business place ;).