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I’m so loving the warm weather coming in, but mannn… being cooped up with the family has been hard.  By now, we would have had 5 or 6 baseball games for my son and my daughter would have been in her recital season. So it feels so weird for us to be at home every night.

Don’t get me wrong, we’ve connected with our kids and gotten so much done around our house and that feels good.  I just wish we can get back to a version of our normal that I miss.

Alright, enough with that. I want to go into my goals.  I used to share weekly goals and I know for me with my client contracts and putting together a brand new course, it’s just not possible right now.  I can do monthly updates and what my May goals & actions that I want to take each month. 

Let’s jump right into my May Goals – ooooooo – that’s me singing.

May Goals & Actions

As I was setting my goals, I went back to see what I wanted to accomplish for this year 2020.  Things definitely have changed and I’m recreating my goals.  I’ll be updating those in a different article, 


Read 20 minutes a day – I’ve been doing really well with this and this is a goal I want to continue to strengthen.  I either read or listen to a book. I’m currently reading It Is Done by Richard Dotts. It is so good and refreshing right now.

Moving My Body – I was doing AMAZINGLY well with this up until 2 weeks ago when I had to start going to the chiropractor. So I’d like to get back into this habit. My intention is to workout 3x a week. I am loving my beachbody workouts and the Pilates I’ve been doing.  

8 Hours Of Sleep Each Night – I’ve been struggling to be super consistent with this but I did some research and found some articles to help with falling asleep fast and I’m going to test it out. I’m normally a person who would just lay in bed and think about ALL. THE. THINGS. So I’m hoping the breathing technique I found will help. 


Finish Updating Project Management System – I stopped using one altogether. I’ve spent $100/month on some and I’ve paid nothing for one.  I’m currently using the premium version of Asana right now while I’m building myself back into the habit of using it.

Finish Master Your Day – I actually already have this created. I created this a few years back and ran it as a live challenge so I need to update wording, branding, etc and get it going. This is going to be my “tiny offer” product that will lead into a membership program most likely. I’d like to start running ads for this product by mid-May.

Changes I’m Testing With My Schedule

With my schedule, I’ve been trying to wake up with my husband to get things done. I thought it would help with with productivity. It turns out when I wake up with him at 5:30am by the time the kids are out of bed (and all of our calls are starting), I want to crawl back into bed with being so tired. 

So I started researching my Human Design type  and my Chronotype for sleep. I’ll leave the Human Design stuff for later, but my chronotype is Bear and my wake up time *should* be around 7am.  I’m still going to wake up by 6:30am so that I can at least meditate and write gratitude before the kids wake up because that is really important to me.  

If I can get some writing time in too, that will help with my year long goals as well.  

I’ll hold off on working out until later in the afternoon though. If you are interested and want to find out what your chronotype is, you can here. It’s not an affiliate link and it’s totally free. I do find it fascinating too!

My second change is when I wake up to mediate & write gratitude, I want to start writing for my websites more. I have 3 projects I’m working on and I need to write so I can record the processes around them and hire/delegate out.  

These are my May Goals and what I’m working on! I’d love to hold you accountable and see what you’re working on.  Share in the comments below!

May Goals & New Schedule Changes
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