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It’s November and I can officially play Christmas music without getting the side eye. Insert squealy happy face here.
Something only close friends know is that my parents are Jehovah’s Witnesses. They weren’t always. They went into that religion when I was between 8-10 and so that meant I lost birthdays and holidays that mattered to me. If you aren’t aware of what Jehovah’s Witnesses believe… I can tell you they don’t believe in celebrating Christmas, birthdays, pagan holidays, etc. They believe in celebrating Jesus’ death and wedding anniversaries. A bit ridiculous if you ask me, but I digress.
Anyway, I’m writing that because when I moved out of my parents house, I realized how important holidays were to me, especially Christmas, so I get extra cheery (and cozy, of course) around this time of year because I’m super pumped about it.
While I’m slowing down and appreciating the kids more and being present with them. My biz is slowly picking up which is counter-intuitive but it’s true.
I’ve had so much clarity around who I am and who I want to serve that things are starting to flow more.
I’m finally owning my intuitive side in my business and I’ll be bringing more of that into my offerings.
What I’ve noticed with myself is that I felt “not enough” because my intuitive-ness and my goddess/priestess-ness doesn’t look like everyone elses. I’m not a fancy dress with heels and all sorts of forcing myself on people type of person.
I think that’s what held me back to own it, but I’m wondering if there are others out there like me where it looks different than others and I want to share what I’m doing and going through on my journey to my truth.
Let me know if this is helpful for you and if you’d like to know more?
Okay, I’m ready to jump into my first ever website traffic month and goal setting. You can view the video here:
Website Traffic
This is basically a starting point. Honestly, at my first glance, I was shocked with how low my traffic was. It made me happy and sad. I’ve built a six figure business basically through Facebook + referral but with the changes and me moving directions, I’m realizing I need to be bringing more traffic to my website and landing pages so that I’m in control.
With that said, you can see my monthly traffic below:
I’m not an expert in this but I am going to be reviewing this more as I love forward.
And you can see my most popular pages below. Now this was really enlightening to me because now that I see the pages that people are going through and I’ll be looking at this monthly and revamping the pages. I’m not an expert in Google Analytics but my goal before I hire this out, is to understand it more and set up conversions/tracking a bit more.
Now that I see what pages they are going to, I am able to re-do/tweak the copy to increase conversions or get new users to sign up for a free offer or book a consultation with me.
I found it really interesting that my homepage was the most popular page. I used to have my Facebook Ads freebie on the front page but I took it down while I am revamping it. So I am missing a lot of people being added to my list because of that. I think I need to add my Daily Success Tracker on there.
Let me know if you have any questions!
Let’s jump into my review!
October Monthly Goals Recap
- Date night with hubby – We got a couple small-ish date nights last month which was awesome. So done!
- Figure out lunches – Epic fail-ish. I didn’t really figure out lunches but I did buy some meats + things I could make for lunches. This is going to be another priority going into November because I’ll already be eating bad enough with the holidays.
- Declutter – I didn’t quite get rid of 50 books but I did a closet declutter in my bedroom and I got rid of shirts and pants that didn’t make me feel good when I wore them.
- Pumpkin carving – Done and done.
- Reading – Done… done and more done. And Chad and I are reading a couples’ book.
- Website Copy – Didn’t get done. But I started working on it recently.
- Map out new offers – Done and done. I’ll be sharing these in the future.
Before I go into my monthly goals, I want to share that even when I look at my goals, I feel like I’m not accomplishing enough, but one vow I’ve made to myself is that I’m not hustling in the way that everyone else does. I’m focusing on quality and items that produce outcomes. With my business goals, everything I do will lead to building relationships and giving value.
A Peek Into November Monthly Goals
Let me just say, this isn’t meant for you to do it if it doesn’t feel good to you or if it feels overwhelming. I created this system because these 3 core items are important to me.
Take what works for you and make this process your own. The most important thing is that you’re getting your main things done.
- Reading Personally – Chad and I are reading The Seven Principles For Making Marriage Work, but I want to read 2 books individually. The two on my to-do list right now are: The Millionaire Messenger by Brendon Burchard and Spiritual Growth by Sanaya Roman
- Lunches – Instead of dreading this, I’ve changed my attitude around this and I’m using it as an opportunity to explore new foods I might love
- Mini Personal Retreat – I’d love to get 24 – 48 hours kid free (and maybe husband free) to focus solely on my business + life goals for 2018 and map them out
- Holiday Crafts + Decorating w/ Kids – This is one of my favorite times of year if you couldn’t tell. Thanksgiving is right around the corner and normally Thanksgiving night is when we put up the Christmas tree and decorations so I’m pumped to get this going with the kids.
- Declutter – I want to start getting intentional with the items we keep in our house and so Chad and I will be going through things and if it doesn’t feel good, give it away
- Put FB Ads + Consulting Quiz Funnel Together – This is something my assistant and I are putting together. We’re putting together a FB Ads Audit funnel + Quiz so that we can funnel people into where they need to be.
- Book 30 Strategy Sessions – We want to get people on my calendar because The Cozy Hustle program starts in January and while it’s not 10k, it’s a good amount of money and I’d love to meet with the people before they sign up so that we are energetically a match.
Alright… I’ve basically written you a book, but I love that I’m giving you behind the scenes and sharing what’s going on with my business.
How do you setup your goals for each month? I’d love for you to share in the comments below!