One of my feelings for this year is Abundance and when I get to feel comfy and cozy, to me, that’s abundance. What makes you feel abundant?

For me, abundance is working from the couch with the windows open, blanket on and movie on (when I don’t have client calls, of course).  Abundance is the smell of fall in the air (any pumpkin or apple smell), it’s football on and my whole family cheering for the Packers, it’s text messages and Voxered messages with best friends, it’s yummy fall foods like cookies and apple cider. It’s just that cozy feeling! 

Share in comments below what makes you feel abundant!

Alright, now that I’m off my Abundance pedestal, let’s talk about writing and what can help you get some ideas for your blog.  I can’t wait to see how these help you get creative and let other people in to know you and how you work and gets a little bit behind the scenes too! 

October Writing & Blogging Prompts

Normally, you should be updating your biz blog at least once a month. To end this year, I want to go strong sunshine. My goal for my mommy blog ( is everyday until Christmas) and twice a week for this business and blog. 

Alright, take a peek at the ideas here:

  1. We are in the last 3 months of the year, how do you feel about the actions you’ve taken?
  2. What new actions do you want to take to end this year strong?
  3. What are your favorite fall activities?
  4. What’s your favorite fall recipe? (Mine is chili, stews and anything soupy!)
  5. Where is the place you feel happiest?
  6. What did you think you were going to be when you grow up?
  7. Did you have a childhood fear?
  8. What is on your business agenda?
  9. What goals do you have for the end of the year?
  10. Are you planning any new offers or holiday specials?
  11. What do you want to be for Halloween?
  12. Who is your biz crush this month?
  13. What TV show are you loving this month? (Helloooo….Quantico and This Is Us.  I’m OBSESSED)
  14. Why did you choose your business name?
  15. Write a blog post around the word: Festivities
  16. Do you have a favorite word? What is it and why?  I don’t really, but I say lackadaisical to annoy my husband. For some reason he doesn’t like that word, and sometimes I just gotta be annoying. #sorrynotsorry

These are just a few writing prompts that might help you refresh your writing memory.   Are any of these topics your favorite? Have you written about them before? Share in the comments below!

Don't worry if you don't have any ideas for writing. I've create an October writing and blogging list of ideas to help you come up with something awesome!
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