hi there!

I’m Shay!

Freedom + Laughter lover, obsessed with Christmas, mom of 2 amazing kids, wife to one amazingly patient (+ sarcastic) husband.  I help women blast through their self-imposed shit and create a life + biz, by design.

Let Me Share a Little Bit About My Story!

In May of 2009, I finally started working from home.

I was pregnant with my first child, and I absolutely loathed my day job. I was in sales, making 70 to 100 calls (or more—I wanted my commission, after all) per day. And I felt the very life being sucked out of my weary soul. I was bored, overwhelmed, unfulfilled, not to mention the fact that my supervisor was a Hot Mess Express. (←Official term.)

I dreaded going into work, my stomach tying itself into complicated knots. I was making good money, but I’d somehow morphed into that person who lived for Fridays and felt sick with trepidation come Monday mornings. My blood pressure was through the roof, and before I could say, “Maybe this isn’t the life for me,” I passed out at work, 5 months pregnant.

I knew then that I just  couldn’t  do it  anymore , so I turned in my  employee  badge and started my own business.

Now, over 8 years later…

I’ve built a biz that regularly brings in over 6 figures while working entirely from home and taking care of my 2 gorgeous kiddos.

The best part?

I’ve done it with coziness and ease—not to mention the fuzzy socks on my feet, hot tea in my hand, and a smile on my face.

It all started from that deep place of knowing—I knew it was more important to fight, struggle, and strategize for what I wanted than stay stuck and complacent. While there have definitely been some hard times, I’ve never once regretted putting in the effort to build a business around my life, rather than building my life around a job.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to give research based and real-life experiences, training and behind-the-scenes knowledge that will motivate you to build a business and life that is profitable and feels good to you.

There isn’t a one size fits all sort of business and we’re here to help you create your dream.

Our Values:







And Of Course, With a Side of Cozy

Our Truth:

Our belief is that in order to truly move forward, in order to create REAL change, it comes through honesty, loyalty and the ability to hold each other accountable in growth, in our commitments and through giving ourselves grace when we need it.

If you’ve ever said…

I wish there was a different way…
I wish I had more confidence…
I wish I marketed myself differently

Or the one I used to say the most…

I wish I had “more” time.

Cue the eye roll. It’s like that bad hamster wheel that we never got off, right?

Not because I got so much more time back, but because I started doing things differently in my life + biz than most.

I stopped listening to what everyone was saying and started listening to my body, my energy and created a plan for my life and biz that worked for me.

And you know what happened?

I gained confidence, I gained clarity and I felt like the goofy me I missed.

Before that, I was stressed, overworked and underpaid. Cliche… I know…

But 100% truth!

"She Makes Facebook Ads Fun!"

Shay’s “Convert” program came to me at just the right time—I was just experimenting with creating my first Facebook ad, and I was totally lost. Her course broke it all down into easy-to-digest, manageable steps. I felt like she was literally holding my hand (and my computer mouse!) as I learned how to create way better ads. Shay gives clear yet detailed explanations so you have total control to create exactly the ad you need, and spend your money wisely instead of throwing it away on tons of trial-and-error.

She turned my confusion and overwhelm into a strategic plan to get the best results in the easiest way. The best part is, Facebook ads were something I was dreading working on, but Shay made it fun, approachable and actually exciting! I now look forward to creating my ads (something I never thought I would say!) because I feel confident, informed and capable. Thank you, Shay!!!

Nadia Banna, Founder of Nadia Banna

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