by Shay Jordan Hrobsky | Oct 25, 2024 | Habits, Mindset, Podcast, Productivity
Do you often find yourself wishing you could clone yourself just to keep up with the kids, work deadlines, and life’s endless to-do list? You’re juggling so many roles that even a circus performer would be impressed. Ok, I seriously suck at the “real”...
by Shay Jordan Hrobsky | Aug 5, 2024 | Habits, Mindset, Self-Care
Hey there, busy, incredible mom! I’m about to share with you some of the things I’ve been working on in my life recently. I had a big epiphany this past weekend and I wanted to share with you some information around nervous system regulation. Let’s...
by Shay Jordan Hrobsky | Feb 16, 2024 | Goal Setting, Mindset, Personal Development
Ah, modern life. It’s the Sunday morning that never ends, stuffed with work emails before our feet even hit the floor, and capped off with a daily routine that’s more about everyone and everything else but us. That doesn’t sound like the unleashing...
by Shay Jordan Hrobsky | Feb 9, 2024 | Mindset, Podcast
Let’s get real for a sec: how’s your faith in yourself holding up on this wild ride we call life? It’s a biggie because, honestly, confidence is like the secret sauce powering everything you want to achieve. And if you have these sneaky beliefs that...
by Shay Jordan Hrobsky | Nov 2, 2023 | Mindset, Personal Development, Podcast
If you’ve felt like this year has been one thing after another not going your way, you’re not alone. The feeling of not being able to catch a break is going around, I hear. And I’m going to share with you what I’m doing while I’m in the thick of it myself. Believe me,...
by Shay Jordan Hrobsky | Oct 25, 2023 | Mindset, Personal Development, Podcast
Our relationship with our own identity and understanding who you are can be complicated. It’s the very core of who we are, yet most of us draw a blank when trying to define it. I’m not talking about the “I’m a mom,” or “I’m a business owner.” It’s much deeper...